
New on the blog?? Welcome to Black Velvet Shoes!

This is just a place for me to be a bit creative - Mother is an avid fan of blogging and has tried to get me to blog for ages, so here goes :-) - expect rants, raves, reviews... experience the opinions and reflections that is Black Velvet Shoes, or namely, me! (That last line sounds like an ad, I know :-))

Why the odd title, you say?? Well, it took me AGES to think of something to title my blog and anything I typed looked either corny or totally weird. This is the name I settled on. I really like shoes (unfortunately wearing them is another matter) and I have this pair that I'm training myself to wear - yes, that last expression makes me sound like I have training wheels, but seriously, one cannot simply step into a pair of six-inch heels and walk like a model :-) - and they are, of course, black velvet!! So in essence, the name is a wish...

Anyhow, enjoy, laugh, be "OK, that's weird..." - this is *drumroll* Black Velvet Shoes!!

Charlotte T.

Monday, November 26, 2012

I discovered a new hairdo!!!!!

Hi everyone!!

It's been ages, I know, but I'm finally on holidays :-) for a little while until early December when I go back to the hospital for 2 weeks fulltime!!!

Anywho, you all would have seen those perfect hairbuns around and wondered how on earth people manage to do them - I have, anyway. Well I met up with one of my friends, Renee the apprentice hairdresser :-) (this post's for you :-)) who helped me find the equipment and explained how to do it.

Here's the results!!!

Nice, huh? If I think of it (and if I'm clever enough :-)) I'll do a tutorial!

On a different note, our beloved cat, Duchess, passed away recently. Check your animals for ticks, people. Even if they normally hide all the time, check anyway. You never know. Pooky never went outside and yet she caught one which killed her. She is honoured, though - the first of the family pets with a special burial place in the backyard.

Hopefully more posts soon!

Charlotte T.

Monday, October 8, 2012

First Day of Prac!!!

Hey everyone!

Just a quick one - I start prac today!

'Prac' is clinical placement, so actual work in the hospital *gulps* I've scored a night shift, so I don't finish until 11pm, but I'm a bit of a night owl, so should be OK!

Got some pictures from the CSSD tour 10 of us went on at the Mater Private. Amazing - the stuff they do to keep things sterile! Saw some blood 'n' bone too  *X-)* We also got to tour an operating theatre and had to get dressed in scrubs...

Here they are!!

That's Renee and Sharon there :-)

Rosalie :-)

And the eight girls (the two guys had a separate dressing room) :-)
From the left: Renee, Sharon, Ashleigh, Alannah, Rosalie, Paula, Karen & moi... yikes...

Well must go. Have to do some things for tomorrow's classes as I won't have time tonight!

Charlotte T.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hey Everyone...

Long time no write (on my part :-))

Sorry about the tardiness of this post - have been incredibly busy either working or studying! I'm in my 5th week now and very much enjoying it. Finally got my uniform - looks very professional :-) The moment people see you with it on they seem to assume you know everything! Made some new friends too - very exciting - and the teachers are great. Also get to to use my ID card/swipe/proximity card to get into the building of a morning - so cool!!

Should be working on assignments now - more soon!

Charlotte T.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's sooo close now....

Counting down the days until my course starts... so excited!

We finally got the orientation email from the Mater - full of goodies and details and more excitement (my favourite word at this very moment :-)). They are providing breakfast, morning tea and lunch on the first day *my chin hits the ground*; the CEO of Mater Health Services, the Head of Nursing & Midwifery and the Head of Mater Private Hospital all give a short speech or presentation (I'll be rubbing shoulders, as Mum says :-)); we get organised into student groups (maybe new friends *yay*); the Mater Volunteer Service is going to give us a tour of the hospital (whether that means the entire complex or just the Private I'm not sure); and there's going to be a scavenger hunt on the second day. Is this going to be fun or what!!!

I have a timetable too (so very official :-)) and I'm even getting to know the bus numbers and routes - the train is OK as I've taken it many times but I've never been on a bus. Weird, but true...

Really looking forward to this!

Charlotte T.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Latest Edition to the Family

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry about not updating the blog recently - a lot of things have been happening and life is just full on!

Anyway... some news for you all...

We have a new puppy!!!

His name is Mr Bingley (we love P&P :-)) and he's a Shih Tzu. He's about 8 weeks old and very confident and happy. We call him Bing for short - if only he could sing Now You Has Jazz...

Here he is!!! So very cute...

Here is is with Mum - he loves her! He won't come for anyone else yet...

Hope you like him!

Charlotte T.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Just a quick update...

Hi everyone!!

Now, I know I haven't updated this blog in a while - but I have a good reason!!

1. Our internet usage was maxed out for the month so it took about 10 minutes just to pull the mail in!
2. Haven't had anything interesting to blog about - not much, anyway. I do have news... stay tuned!!!
3. I have been sick :-( . Viruses, combined with stress - not a good combination. Had about 2 anxiety attacks (semi ones - they were bad but not as bad as they get) and a very sick tummy for the better part of a week. But the Lord was merciful and thanks to him and Mum, I was able to make the driving test I've had booked for the past month... and I passed! First time, too! I can now drive around by myself - not too far though, I'm only new to the art of observing a million things at once without a parent to yell "Brake!!".

Well, will post some more tomorrow after church perhaps!

Charlotte T.

Monday, May 14, 2012

One of the best things about growing up is...

You can go to the movies with your friends!!

Yes, people - this is the post I've hinted at earlier. *drumroll*

The Avengers. My latest fav.

Now, in the past, it was VERY rare to be able to see a movie - thanks to all those wonderful directors who think that no movie is complete without swearing and *ahem* scenes. However, there seems to be a slight trend towards more action, less swearing and no scenes - yay!! National Treasure, just to name one, is an example of this trend. A thoroughly enjoyable movie, it was, along with the second one.

Back to my original train of thought... Up until recently, I hadn't seen a movie in the cinema for at least 4 years. There either wasn't anything suitable on or Dad took the boys for Father Son night - which meant I couldn't come :-P. Then Cars 2 came out. Dad took me!!! Tintin came out. Dad took the entire family - that was epic. We filled an entire row at the cinema! Then we all saw Star Wars 1 in 3D. Jed looks so cute in 3D glasses!! Then...

I'm signed up to these Disney Movie Rewards thing and they sent me a trailer for the Avengers. I was hooked. Having seen Thor (another epic movie - we love Marvel) and Captain America (not so epic but still good), I had to see this. Fortunately, my friend Jess wanted to see it too. So we went together, by ourselves for the first time, to the movies in 2D.

(Sorry about all the background story. It's kind of relevant though :-) I know this all sounds like I'm obsessed, but trust me, I'm not. Just simply pleased at being able to enjoy a good movie without blocking ears, fastforwarding or hiding behind pillows.)

People, we were not disappointed. The cinema was packed. Company (not my friend. She was the best part :-)) was questionable but hey, it'a a movie. Get past all the annoying/scary/ewww trailers, the lights go down... the thrill. We take pleasure in the simplest of things. Everyone else was like "Finally. How long is this going to take?", while we were "So excited! So privileged!".

Then - 2 hours and 22 minutes of absolute action, fun and excellent plot. Long story cut short, all the latest Marvel superheros - Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Hulk, Nick Fury & Barton - get together to save to world from Loki, Thor's half-brother. Now, HE'S rude, Loki. Nasty old thing. And as usual, Manhattan gets trashed. Why is it always America and New York that gets destroyed? The amount of times that city has been repaired...

Of course everyone survives - wouldn't have it any other way. And there's going to be a sequel!!!!

Now for the review...

9.5/10. A completely enjoyable movie. I only picked up about one, maybe two bad words. Go and see it, if you haven't already. See it twice - I did!! Miracle of miracles - Dad and Budd wanted to see it after I came home with a huge smile plastered on my face. Saw it in 3D with them. It's better in 2D, but that's your choice. I NEVER see movies twice, so there's the proof - it's good!

Now, downers - it is M for a reason. Action violence is the official rating and they're actually right this time. I really wouldn't let young ones see this - at home perhaps on DVD when you can skip the particularly fast-paced parts but otherwise... no. By young ones I mean immature in mind. My 10 year old sister could see this at home with my hands on the remote but no younger. Also, remember the Emperor's manipulating Anakin in SWIII? Loki does almost the same thing. Not so nice.

I enjoyed this movie (as if it isn't obvious :-)). Will be getting it on DVD. Enjoy!

Charlotte T.

P.S. Sorry for all the raving. I don't normally blog, but when I do I can't stop! To bring us all back to Earth, this is just a movie. A very good one, but a movie. Never forget that God is infinitely more awesome!! I thank Him for the ability to see this with friends and family. I thank Him for the privilege to go out in freedom with my friend. I thank Him for being a million times more awesome than Iron Man and Thor (my favourites). He is God, and the best God He could be. Sometimes, I get scared thinking about heaven and what it will be like to just be, just exist. He knows my fears. He comforts me. My little human mind cannot comprehend heaven, so I'll rest in the fact that it will be wonderful to be with Him always. I'm sure you'll agree.

Charlotte T.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Diploma of Nursing - More News!!

Hi everyone,

Now, I'm sure you all thought that the news regarding the nursing bits and bobs was over until I actually started the course.

I am pleased to say that that is not the way of things here (haha) and that you are indeed incorrect (another hehe).

You will, I'm sure, remember my mentioning the Mater hospitals as my next interview. Well, I had the interview and...

THEY ACCEPTED ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps around room in joy*

We are all sooo thrilled! Mum and I had a small squealing match after I got the phone call - which actually came half an hour before I was supposed to start work (talk about great timing :-)) - and madly rang everyone I could think of to tell them the news. Everyone has been so kind! My grandparents are so pleased they took me out to lunch yesterday and bought a special keyring (Thanks Gran :-) Pa even sang a song on the phone to me. Little dear :-)). My best friend and her family gave me a lovely pink nurses watch (thanks Jess :-)) right before we went to the movies (this is another post entirely. If you have not had the utmost privilege to see The Avengers, you are missing out on the best movie ever!!!) All the paperwork, contracts and hoo-rah has come through, so I am now officially a Mater Student Enrolled Nurse! We are all looking forward to seeing my ID card (with special access, swipe points and everything - why are ID cards so cool :-))

One eeny, weeny downer... I have to have a blood test to make sure I'm immune to various diseases - the traditional measles, mumps and rubella; Hep A (never had that so there's one needle :-() and B; whooping cough, chicken pox (I actually had this one before the vaccine came out. And as you can only catch it once...) and the wunnerful annual flu vaccination. Yes, I know nurses are supposed to be OK with needles, but it's one thing to give them, it's another to have them! Last time I had a blood test, I cried like a baby (yikes) so hopefully I won't this time! If you could all pray that I don't chicken out or cause a fuss that would be very much appreciated. Also that the blood test would not show what I don't want to know too... A personal request, this one is :-).

Must go, gotta get ready for work.

Watch out for the post on Saturdays' movie trip. IT WAS EPIC!!!!

Charlotte T.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sense and Sensibility - Review

I promised an review and here it is!!

Sense and Sensibility (2008)

Having seen clips of this on Youtube (and knowing that anything period drama produced by the BBC is eminently better than all others :-)) I found this on eBay for a good price and bought it (also my first eBay purchase. The parcel had my name on it!!)

We were NOT disappointed. This is an excellent production of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility! Relatively unknown actors - for us living out in the sticks of Australia anyway :-) - who did a marvellous job (the characters of Marianne and Brandon are much better than the 1995 movie - which I like too); the scenery - one can say no more. The screenplay is a lot better - probably because they had to expand it into the 3 hour epic it is. One part I was especially pleased with is that we finally know how Marianne and the Colonel get married. In the 1995 movie, Elinor is proposed to and next thing you know, there's a double wedding?!? On the whole, a truly well done, enjoyable production.

One warning for you all - fast-forward the first minute or so of the first episode. There's a bit of a scene with Brandon's ward and Willoughby (the scoundrel!). One point off for Andrew Davies - why was that necessary? Yes, it's background story - but my little sisters had to hide behind a pillow while I rummaged for the remote!! Not cool - Jane Austen herself would be scandalised. Shame!

But this is still a wonderful show. 4.5/5. Enjoy!!

Diploma of Nursing

You are now following the blog of the latest nurse in Queensland!!! They accepted me! YAYAYAYAY!!

Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts!

Charlotte T.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Diploma of Nursing Interview

I have an interview in the City on Friday for my Diploma of Nursing application. Please pray that this is God's will for me! Also please pray that the Mater will give me a look in also!

Short and sweet!

Review on my latest addition to my DVD collection coming up!!

Charlotte T.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My DVD Came!!!!!!!!!!!

My Sense and Sensibility 2008 DVD came not ten minutes ago SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO thrilled!! Can't wait to watch it!!

Might take a BIG step and post a review on it later. Keep looking for this review in later posts!!

Charlotte T.

The Pets of Heraldnest

Well, I said the next post would be about the pets (yes, I digressed - but it was a good digress, yes :-)), so here it is!!

Our home has been christened by Mum as Heraldsnest - as far as I know, Mum made the name when she had Budd, whose name means "Herald" - and the pets at Heraldsnest roam far and wide.

We have (at present) two cats:

This is Duchess, our three-year-old Australian Blue/Creampoint Ragdoll. She's a little bit on the "sandwich short of a picnic" side of mental capacity, but she's a really loving, beautiful cat.

This is her sitting next to my cast late last year when I broke my foot - kinda painful but at least she cares!!

This is Button, our 2-year-old Australian Sealpoint Ragdoll. He's very smart, loves Dad and escaping the house (which he's not supposed to do). He is very cwute, though...

Here's Duchess again. She's on my bed - there seems to be something about my room that everyone loves. Josh says it's because my room is "forbidden territory" - I don't have many visitors; my social life occurs outside my sanctuary :-). You'll be seeing a lot of her - she's very photogenic and poses all the time. Button, on the other hand...

Managed to take some good shots of Button just now! As you can see, he's on my bed (:-)) and not exactly pleased with the paparazzi...

We also have other pets: Molly the eight-year-old Staffordshire Terrier - there won't be pics of her as she is WAY too excitable and won't sit still for two seconds straight :-); two chickens, who just kind of stalk around, eat Molly's kibble (she molested the other two chooks we used to have because they liked her kibble - :-() and lay eggs when they feel like it; Gabriel, Budd's Crown Siamese Fighting Fish; and King, Phoebe's Siamese Fighting Fish. Will try and find pic of them later!!

Must go; Mum has proclaimed lunch. Blogging makes one hungry,which is kinda odd...

Charlotte T.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Oh Dear

Just found myself talking to the washing machine and telling it to stop beeping.

*silence* *crickets chriping*

Oh dear.

Well, just as long as it doesn't begin to bestow epithets upon me in return all is well.

As you can see, I'm tired.


Charlotte T.

The First Post


Welcome to Black Velvet Shoes!
This being my first entry, allow me to say...

HI WORLD!!!!!!!!

I'm Charlotte and I'm 18. I live in sunny Australia on the Eastern Coast (obviously I like the beach :-)) and have 5 other siblings, Mum, Dad, 2 grandmothers, grandfather, aunt, uncle and 2 cousins. Here's my immediate family:

From the left: Me (don't look too closely - it's not the most flattering photo :-), Phoebe 8, Jedidiah 6, Mum Diane, Emmeline 9, Budd 12, Josh 16, Dad Mathew.

Here's a photo of us with the grandparents:

The one peeking out from behind Budd's head is my Grandma, Dad's mum and the two on the right are Gran and Pa, Mum's parents.

Here's a better picture of Grandma:

And a better picture of Gran and Pa:

Here's Aunty Gwen and Uncle David:

The cousins aren't really into pictures, but their names are Julie and Dave.

That does it for my family!

Next post: The Pets of Heraldsnest (our home)

Charlotte T.