
New on the blog?? Welcome to Black Velvet Shoes!

This is just a place for me to be a bit creative - Mother is an avid fan of blogging and has tried to get me to blog for ages, so here goes :-) - expect rants, raves, reviews... experience the opinions and reflections that is Black Velvet Shoes, or namely, me! (That last line sounds like an ad, I know :-))

Why the odd title, you say?? Well, it took me AGES to think of something to title my blog and anything I typed looked either corny or totally weird. This is the name I settled on. I really like shoes (unfortunately wearing them is another matter) and I have this pair that I'm training myself to wear - yes, that last expression makes me sound like I have training wheels, but seriously, one cannot simply step into a pair of six-inch heels and walk like a model :-) - and they are, of course, black velvet!! So in essence, the name is a wish...

Anyhow, enjoy, laugh, be "OK, that's weird..." - this is *drumroll* Black Velvet Shoes!!

Charlotte T.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Latest Edition to the Family

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry about not updating the blog recently - a lot of things have been happening and life is just full on!

Anyway... some news for you all...

We have a new puppy!!!

His name is Mr Bingley (we love P&P :-)) and he's a Shih Tzu. He's about 8 weeks old and very confident and happy. We call him Bing for short - if only he could sing Now You Has Jazz...

Here he is!!! So very cute...

Here is is with Mum - he loves her! He won't come for anyone else yet...

Hope you like him!

Charlotte T.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Just a quick update...

Hi everyone!!

Now, I know I haven't updated this blog in a while - but I have a good reason!!

1. Our internet usage was maxed out for the month so it took about 10 minutes just to pull the mail in!
2. Haven't had anything interesting to blog about - not much, anyway. I do have news... stay tuned!!!
3. I have been sick :-( . Viruses, combined with stress - not a good combination. Had about 2 anxiety attacks (semi ones - they were bad but not as bad as they get) and a very sick tummy for the better part of a week. But the Lord was merciful and thanks to him and Mum, I was able to make the driving test I've had booked for the past month... and I passed! First time, too! I can now drive around by myself - not too far though, I'm only new to the art of observing a million things at once without a parent to yell "Brake!!".

Well, will post some more tomorrow after church perhaps!

Charlotte T.