
New on the blog?? Welcome to Black Velvet Shoes!

This is just a place for me to be a bit creative - Mother is an avid fan of blogging and has tried to get me to blog for ages, so here goes :-) - expect rants, raves, reviews... experience the opinions and reflections that is Black Velvet Shoes, or namely, me! (That last line sounds like an ad, I know :-))

Why the odd title, you say?? Well, it took me AGES to think of something to title my blog and anything I typed looked either corny or totally weird. This is the name I settled on. I really like shoes (unfortunately wearing them is another matter) and I have this pair that I'm training myself to wear - yes, that last expression makes me sound like I have training wheels, but seriously, one cannot simply step into a pair of six-inch heels and walk like a model :-) - and they are, of course, black velvet!! So in essence, the name is a wish...

Anyhow, enjoy, laugh, be "OK, that's weird..." - this is *drumroll* Black Velvet Shoes!!

Charlotte T.

Monday, October 8, 2012

First Day of Prac!!!

Hey everyone!

Just a quick one - I start prac today!

'Prac' is clinical placement, so actual work in the hospital *gulps* I've scored a night shift, so I don't finish until 11pm, but I'm a bit of a night owl, so should be OK!

Got some pictures from the CSSD tour 10 of us went on at the Mater Private. Amazing - the stuff they do to keep things sterile! Saw some blood 'n' bone too  *X-)* We also got to tour an operating theatre and had to get dressed in scrubs...

Here they are!!

That's Renee and Sharon there :-)

Rosalie :-)

And the eight girls (the two guys had a separate dressing room) :-)
From the left: Renee, Sharon, Ashleigh, Alannah, Rosalie, Paula, Karen & moi... yikes...

Well must go. Have to do some things for tomorrow's classes as I won't have time tonight!

Charlotte T.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you look so professional in your scrubs!! I hope you're enjoying nursing - I imagine you're very busy! Maybe one of these days we can catch up :)
