
New on the blog?? Welcome to Black Velvet Shoes!

This is just a place for me to be a bit creative - Mother is an avid fan of blogging and has tried to get me to blog for ages, so here goes :-) - expect rants, raves, reviews... experience the opinions and reflections that is Black Velvet Shoes, or namely, me! (That last line sounds like an ad, I know :-))

Why the odd title, you say?? Well, it took me AGES to think of something to title my blog and anything I typed looked either corny or totally weird. This is the name I settled on. I really like shoes (unfortunately wearing them is another matter) and I have this pair that I'm training myself to wear - yes, that last expression makes me sound like I have training wheels, but seriously, one cannot simply step into a pair of six-inch heels and walk like a model :-) - and they are, of course, black velvet!! So in essence, the name is a wish...

Anyhow, enjoy, laugh, be "OK, that's weird..." - this is *drumroll* Black Velvet Shoes!!

Charlotte T.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The First Post


Welcome to Black Velvet Shoes!
This being my first entry, allow me to say...

HI WORLD!!!!!!!!

I'm Charlotte and I'm 18. I live in sunny Australia on the Eastern Coast (obviously I like the beach :-)) and have 5 other siblings, Mum, Dad, 2 grandmothers, grandfather, aunt, uncle and 2 cousins. Here's my immediate family:

From the left: Me (don't look too closely - it's not the most flattering photo :-), Phoebe 8, Jedidiah 6, Mum Diane, Emmeline 9, Budd 12, Josh 16, Dad Mathew.

Here's a photo of us with the grandparents:

The one peeking out from behind Budd's head is my Grandma, Dad's mum and the two on the right are Gran and Pa, Mum's parents.

Here's a better picture of Grandma:

And a better picture of Gran and Pa:

Here's Aunty Gwen and Uncle David:

The cousins aren't really into pictures, but their names are Julie and Dave.

That does it for my family!

Next post: The Pets of Heraldsnest (our home)

Charlotte T.

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